1 Mueller Report: Anticipointment?
Speculation about Special Counsel Robert Mueller's final report is growing by the day...but if rumors are true, President Trump’s detractors shouldn’t be too excited. While Mueller has not offered any hints about the status of his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, the word Hill is that no one should be expecting any more indictments. Basically, what you’ve seen is what you’ll get. And the growing consensus is that “we” could be seeing it (the report) any time now. Mueller is only obligated to submit his findings to Attorney General Bill Barr. What happens from there really depends on him. Barr was seen entering the West Wing of the White House yesterday, but President Trump wasn’t there (he was attending a business roundtable in DC). Still, Mr. Trump has said he wants “the people” to see the result.
2 Trump Signs Exec Order Pushing More Free Speech On Campus
President Trump has signed an executive order he says is aimed at promoting more free speech on college and university campuses. During a White House event, Trump said American values have been "under siege." Of course, Republicans have long-complained that conservative views are often stifled on campuses. Trump called it “hostile treatment” and said taxpayer dollars should not subsidize efforts to silence free speech. The executive order seeks to ensure that institutions receiving federal grants are in compliance with First Amendment rights. Trump said he won’t stand idly by and allow public institutions to violate their students' constitutional rights. He added, "If a college or university doesn't allow you to speak, we will not give them money."
3 Boeing To Stop Charging Extra For Safety Feature
If there’s a feature that increases safety on an airplane, should it be included in the price? You’d think so, but apparently Boeing was charging extra for two safety features on their 737 Max aircraft. With the advent of that news, they’re also changing the plan. After crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia, Boeing says one of two safety features will come standard on new 737 MAX, but it will continue to charge for the other. The feature that will now come standard is an "angle of attack disagree" light that warns if angle of attack sensors are giving contradictory signals. It should be noted that neither feature is required by the FAA, but according to reports, the two 737 MAXes that crashed in Ethiopia and Indonesia didn't have either feature because of those charges.