1 Michael Cohen Sentenced To Three Years In Federal Prison
It’s official – the man who once said he’d “take a bullet for Donald Trump” – is heading to jail for three years. This as he maintains his deeds were the directed dirty work done on Trump’s behalf. In court yesterday, Cohen pleaded guilty to tax fraud and other charges, he also admitted to lying to Congress about plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. And now? Michael Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis says Cohen’s focused on the moving forward. Davis says his client has owned up to his mistakes and "fully cooperated" with the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As for what’s next, Davis says that Cohen continues to tell the truth about Trump's alleged misconduct over the years. And get this – once the Russia probe is over, Davis says he’s looking forward to assisting Cohen tell everything he knows about Trump publicly. Cohen has been ordered to report to federal prison on March 6th
2 National Enquirer Owner Admits To Illegal Payment In Cohen Case
It’s an “insinuation” no more – the company that owns the “National Enquirer” is admitting to making an illegal hush money payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, a woman who claimed she had an affair with Donald Trump. American Media Inc. has confirmed to prosecutors that the 150-thousand-dollar payment made by then-Trump attorney Michael Cohen was meant to suppress the woman's story – a scheme known as “catch and kill” – in an effort to stop it from influencing the 2016 presidential election. The company says the payment was made in concert with Trump's presidential campaign - and that they knew it could be considered an illegal campaign contribution. In return for the testimony, federal prosecutors in New York have agreed not to prosecute the company for the payment.
3 Theresa May Survives Confidence Vote
Theresa May is breathing a sigh of relief this morning – she will continue as Prime Minister of Britain – at least for the next few months. May has survived a no confidence vote – getting 41 more votes than she needed in her Conservative caucus. May is trying to lead the country through ‘Brexit’ – Britain’s exit from the European Union. Thing is, the deal she presented to MPs was greeted with hostility – and “the people” don’t care much for it either. Still, she tells them this is the best deal they can get. Vote aside, it’s not as though she’s out of the wood quite yet. May needs to convince Parliament to approve the before Great Britain withdraws from the EU at the end of March. That vote is expected to be harder to win than the no confidence vote was.