1 George H. W. Bush Lies In State As President Trump Pays His Respects
The long road Home has found a stop in our nation’s capitol as former President George H.W. Bush lies in state at the Capitol Rotunda today. He’ll remain there through tomorrow morning for public officials - and private citizens - to pay their respects. The space remained open throughout last night as the military honor guard watched over. Mr. Bush’s journey began in Houston yesterday as thousands lined the streets to bid their adopted son farewell (born in Massachusetts, he made Houston his home for decades). Many even stopped along the freeway so that they could get out and salute, or take video of the massive motorcade transporting the late leader to Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base where Air Force One took him to Joint Base Andrews as ‘Special Air Mission 41. Once on the ground, he was greeted by sailors from the USS George H. W. Bush standing at attention… and sirens on the streets announced his travel to the Capitol. A 21-Gun salute marked his arrival at the Capitol. Then, a military band played “Hail to the Chief” as his casket was carried inside – and his heartbroken family looked on. Later, a small service offered a host of dignitaries, including President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump as well as Vice President Mike Pence and his wife. There were also a number of speakers, including Mr. Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.
2 Pentagon Identifies Fourth Soldier, Who Has Died From Afghanistan Blast
The Pentagon is identifying a fourth American service member killed after an explosion in Afghanistan. Officials have identified 24-year-old Army Sergeant Jason Mitchell McClary as the fourth person killed from injuries due to roadside bomb on November 27th. McClary died Sunday at a hospital in Germany. He had several military medals, including two Purple Hearts – and this was his third deployment to the region. “The Rock battalion expresses its deepest sympathies and condolences to the family and friends tragically affected by the loss of Sgt. Jason McClary. He epitomizes what it is to be a professional, a warrior and a soldier,” Lt. Col. Christopher Roberts, says in a statement. “Sgt. McClary served honorably as an up-armored vehicle gunner for the Attack Company. His memory and contributions will never be forgotten.”
3 Comey Cuts A Deal To Speak With House Republicans
Former FBI Director James Comey is expected to testify before House Republicans on Friday. Republicans are expected to ask him about his role in the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the Russia investigation. As you might recall, Comey originally objected to the idea of testifying – as committee members wanted proceedings to take place behind closed doors. And they will – but as part of the agreement, a transcript of the proceedings will be made public within 24 hours. Comey will also be free to talk to the public about the testimony. Comey was famously by Trump in the media last year while he was in Los Angeles giving a speech. He learned of the termination through a news report being telecast as he was speaking to agents at the Los Angeles Field Office. Comey has testified publicly that Trump pressured him to back off the Russia investigation in early 2017.