1 Trump Submits Written Responses To Mueller
The world has been waiting – and now we know: President Trump has turned over written answers to questions from Special Counsel Robert Mueller which relate to the Russia investigation. What exactly was asked, and answered? President Trump's lawyers tell NBC News that the questions covered Russia-related topics. Of course, the investigation led by Mueller is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, as well as any connections between Russia and the Trump campaign. This submission is literal, but also figurative as Trump’s attorney says there’s nothing more that the Mueller could possibly want. "It has been our position from the outset that much of what has been asked raised serious constitutional issues and was beyond the scope of a legitimate inquiry," Giuliani says in a statement. "This remains our position. The President has provided unprecedented cooperation. The Special Counsel has been provided with more than 30 witnesses, 1.4-million pages of material, and now the President's written responses to questions. It is time to bring this inquiry to a conclusion."
2 Trump Backs Saudis Over Khashoggi
What’s it take for President Trump to believe that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was involved in the murder of “Washington Post” columnist Jamal Khashoggi ? Certainly not an audiotape of the event that he refuses to listen to, images of the tools the henchmen brought with them…or most importantly, the CIA investigation that has reportedly confirmed it. As the President sees things, he’s going to stick by the Crown Prince – and says it’s all about his “America first" philosophy. Talking with reporters at the White House, Trump said the Saudis do a lot of business with the U.S. and that it would be a “terrible mistake” to cut ties with Saudi Arabia. His comments followed a written statement released earlier in the day, where Trump noted, quote: “The world is a very dangerous place!" “King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi,” he adds. “It could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!”
3 Record Cold Temps Forecast For Thanksgiving Holiday
Thanksgiving is bracing to be met with frigid cold weather across the Northeast. Forecasters say tomorrow could be the chilliest Turkey Day on record for several cities including New York and Boston. Temperatures are expected to be in the teens, but wind chills may feel like it's below zero. Snow is already falling in upstate New York and northern New England with up to six inches of snow possible in some areas. The arctic blast is forecast to move quickly and before everyone becomes ice cubes, Old Man Winter is expected to depart...leaving the temperatures in the 50s by Sunday in his wake.