1 Officials Confirm Four Dead In Chicago Hospital Shooting
Police say four people are dead – including the suspect – after a gun battle within Chicago's Mercy Hospital that reportedly started because of a domestic dispute. Chicago police say that 32-year-old Juan Lopez turned up at Mercy to speak with his former fiancé, ER physician Dr. Tamara O'Neal. Their engagement had reportedly been called off in September. According to witnesses, Lopez shot O’Neal multiple times – and when she fell to the ground, he shot her a few more times. And then, Lopez allegedly went into the hospital…still firing. This lead to a shootout inside the facility. That ended with the deaths of 28-yer-old Chicago police officer Samuel Jimenez and 25-year-old first-year pharmaceutical resident Dayna Less. The gunman is also dead, but it's unclear if he shot himself or if he was shot by police. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the shooting, quote, "tears at the soul of our city."
2 White House Backs Off CNN, Jim Acosta…But Sets New Rules
CNN confirms the White House has fully restored the media credential for reporter Jim Acosta. Of course this follows the war of words – and the lawsuit filed by CNN – after Acosta’s refusal to pipe down at a press conference on November 7th. Once CNN filed suit, a federal judge ordered the White House to temporarily restore Acosta's credential last week. But just because Acosta’s cleared to return doesn’t mean he’ll be welcomed with open arms. You see, the White House is rolling out new rules about pressers – and according to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, there are four…for now: A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists. At the discretion of the president or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted. When a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor. “Yielding the floor” includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner. Failure to abide by any of rules may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass.
3 Group Of 16 House Dems Releases Letter Opposing Pelosi
In-fighting on Capitol Hill? Not exactly. What we know is that 16 current or incoming House Democrats have released a letter opposing Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House. As 78-year old Pelosi, who is currently the House minority leader, sees it – she’s looking forward to becoming Speaker of the House again. But as a these Dems see it, regaining control of the House in the recent midterm elections means “the people” want change – and she’s not it. The letter says Dems ran and won on a message of change and new House leadership is needed. “We believe more strongly than ever that the time has come for new leadership in our caucus,” the group wrote in the letter. “We are thankful to Leader Pelosi for her years of service to our Country and to our Caucus. She is a historic figure whose leadership has been instrumental to some of our party’s most important legislative achievements…but…we are committed to voting for new leadership in both our caucus meeting and on the House floor." Thing is? All Pelosi needs a simple majority of Democrats to be nominated for Speaker late this month – and while she’ll need 218 votes once everyone’s sworn in to take the gavel back this January, no one has come forward to challenge Pelosi.