3 Things To Know Today

1 Migrants Climb U.S.-Mexico Border Wall…To Make A Point?

The first wave of migrants from the Central American caravan started climbing the fences along the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego County yesterday. Authorities say 357 migrants arrived in Tijuana on buses Tuesday, with nearly 400 following yesterday after nearly a month on the road. The group was reportedly a “split off” from the massive caravan composed of nearly five-thousand people, which originated in Honduras. So they came, they climbed over the fence…but then climbed back over into Mexico. Why would they do that? To provoke border agents into arresting them. But apparently, they skipped back across to wait until the others arrive. Perhaps, with the idea of applying for asylum. The timing couldn’t have been more appropriate as Secretary of Defense James Mattis made a trip to the border - though in Texas - to see troops deployed for the Southwest border mission. The trip will check on the mission featuring an estimated seven-thousand troops across the U.S.-Mexico border to deter migrants from a Central American caravan seeking asylum.

2 Trump Backs Sentencing Reform

Some great news President Trump is endorsing a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill. At the White House yesterday, Trump threw his weight behind the First Step Act. The bill sets up sweeping reforms of U.S. criminal justice sentencing laws. Trump said it will give former inmates “a second chance at life” after they have served their time. He stressed that it will also make communities safer. Surrounded by lawmakers, Trump said mandatory sentencing laws are keeping some people in prison for far too long. He insisted that the bill will reduce crime while giving many prisoners a chance at redemption and added, "It rolls back some of the provisions of the Clinton crime law that disproportionately harmed [the] African-American community.” Trump said he looks forward to signing the legislation.

3 Governor Brown Addresses California Wildfires As Trump Tweets Support

California Governor Jerry Brown and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke say local and federal authorities are working around the clock to contain the wildfires across the state. Governor Brown says the fires burning up and down the state of California have been unprecedented and overwhelming – and after surveying damage left behind by the Camp Fire in the town of Paradise, Brown said he's signing an executive order to help bring fast relief and cut red tape. The President has taken to Twitter to show support for California as wildfires threaten residents across the state. President Trump tweeted he "spoke to Governor Jerry Brown to let him know that we are with him, and the people of California, all the way!"

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