Sen. Cruz Visits San Antonio, talks Tax Cuts, Trade, Re-election Bid

By Morgan Montalvo 

WOAI News   

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz spent a near-full day in San Antonio on Monday,  visiting with East Side leaders before wrapping up with an afternoon  visit with trainees at Joint Base Lackland, WOAI News reports.   

The Republican lawmaker met with reporters just outside the Air Force  installation to address a number of issues before heading to an evening  supporters gathering in Seguin.   

Cruz said he remains confident about the outcome of his November race  against challenger U.S. Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke from West Texas, but  concedes that anti-Trump feeling is bouying liberals.   

“It is clear this is a volatile time in politics,” Cruz said. “It is clear that there are many on the far Left who are angry.”   

However he remains confident that large numbers of conservative voters will return him to office in November.   

Addressing free trade, Cruz said he hopes the White House will look at  all options before moving forward with renegotiating the North American  Free Trade Agreement, and any talks should include helping Mexico expand  its energy industry.   

“That would produce thousands of high-paying jobs in Mexico. It would be  good for the Mexican middle class. But not only that; the place they  would naturally turn for the expertise to develop that oil and gas would  be Texas,” said Cruz.  

Cruz also said this  fall he will push to make permanent the middle-class tax cuts adopted as  part of the 2017 GOP reform package.

“What I’ve urged is,  let’s bring up budget reconciliation again this year, and use that to  make the individual tax cuts permanent. The reason that matters is,  budget reconciliation can’t be filibustered,” he said.

Senatorial  use of “reconciliation” provisions allows for passage of budget-related  measures with a "yes" vote from 50 lawmakers, not the usual 60 votes  required for other legislation.


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