
Fiesta 'Tech Trek' Introduces People to City's Growing Tech Companies

Fiesta Tuesday night highlighted the city's growing downtown tech industry, as the Teck Trek allowed Fiesta-goers to hike through downtown and visit the people and companies which are leading that growth, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

Will Garrett, who heads the city's Cybersecurity effort, says it was a true Fiesta party. "We modeled it along events that would appeal to Fiesta-goers," he said. "It's like a pub crawl, but instead of going into bars, you go into tech spaces."

Garrett says a lot of the Tech Trekkers don't know about the breadth and reach of San Antonio's growing tech industry, which stretches from the Pearl to Geekdom to Southtown.

"Our goal is, how to we shine a light on this growing tech eco-system that is building downtown," he said.

And after it was over, in Fiesta tradition, the Tech Trekkers stayed for a party.

PHOTO: Fiesta Commission

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